Dead Presidents Brewing.
The Logo
The logo mark brings together several aspects of the brewery. The logo consists of a beer bottle, combined with a skull, and an Abraham Lincoln style stovepipe hat. The parts of the mark when brought together conveys the concepts of beer, death, and politics. The mark is laid on it’s side to mimic someone in the eternal rest of death.
The labels are inspired by strange aspects of lives of former presidents. This allows for the labels to have a humorous photo collage, while also educating the drinker. The presidential fun facts consist of past jobs, and hobbies of the presidents. The labels themselves combine aged photographs with images of the president. This is combined with an amorphous shape to create an interesting composition.
The 6 pack expands on the the concepts created for the can labels. They carry over the vintage photo collages of the labels. The boxes also contain further information on the beer, such as food pairings and the beer’s accompanying drinking glass.
The 6 pack expands on the the concepts created for the can labels. They carry over the vintage photo collages of the labels. The boxes also contain further information on the beer, such as food pairings and the beer’s accompanying drinking glass.
THE Homepage
The homepage incorporates a texturized photo of the White House to create an eerie, aged atmosphere. The homepage informs the user about not only the brewery, but the beers as well.